to Begin Roll Out of New Software Upgrade in April 2013

13 May 2016

As the leader in providing online access to electronic health records, is proud to announce our next generation of software to be released beginning April 2013. As a technology company, we are constantly adding new features that will result in the greater ease and management of electronic health records.

Every week our support team receives recommendations from patients regarding new features they would like to see added to our future software releases. All requests are tracked electronically and reviewed during our software development meetings. The best requests that we determine will make the most impact to the management of the patients health records are the ones typically added to future software updates. Recently, the big push has been for patients to automatically receive email alerts when new health data has been added to the patient’s electronic health record. An example would be when a new prescription or prescription renewal has been generated by your healthcare provider. Once the prescription has been forwarded the pharmacy, an email alert would be sent to the patients email on file with No need to keep calling your doctor to see if your prescription has been generated. With, you will be immediately notified when the prescription has been sent to the pharmacy.

For patients that have lab work drawn, an email alert confirming that lab results have been received and are available for viewing online at would be automatically sent to the patient. This can be most helpful for patients that are monitoring their high blood pressure, cholesterol and other medical conditions. In addition, the patient can receive email alerts when their doctor adds a new medical diagnosis to their health records. The focus of the new software is to provide alerts and inform patients whenever new data is entered into their health records. As our support team begins to roll out this national upgrade, our software development team has begun working on the next round of software features that will further streamline access to patients and their health records. All questions regarding the new software upgrade should be forwarded to our support team

As always, any questions regarding your health records should be directed to your healthcare provider. If your doctor is not providing online access to your health records then please recommend that they contact today.